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How to Develop a Digital Leadership Vision

A digital vision is no longer isolated to the Marketing or IT departments, it is integral to how business is done—across all departments and within all industries. So, if you haven’t already, it’s time to embrace artificial intelligence (AI) in your business functions. AI can be a strategic partner in your work, a puzzle piece in your systems and strategies. But before a leader can cast a compelling digital vision, they must first lead themselves well so that they can develop an inspiring and successful digital vision that people want to work toward.

In this article, we share three ways for a leader to develop a digital vision so that they can grow with rapidly changing technology and lead themselves, their teams, and their organizations in this digital age.


3 Ways to Develop a Leadership Vision in a Digital World

  1. Become a life-long learner. To have a well-rounded and informed perspective in life and leadership, you need to be curious. Be willing to question yourself and how you do things. Don’t look at technology with fear or you’ll find excuses to avoid it. And if you avoid it, that just means that someone else will embrace it and learn how to use it effectively (and they very well could be a competitor in your industry). So, fight back against limited thinking—because it could result in apathy, exhaustion, or fear. And instead, choose to have a curious mindset ready to try, learn, change, collaborate, and reimagine. Technology is changing rapidly, but if you take the time to grow along with it, then you’ll be better equipped to lead yourself, your team, and organization toward a vision that acknowledges and embraces a digital landscape.

  2. Remain adaptable. Technology has always moved fast, but it seems to be evolving at an accelerated pace these days. However, don’t let that fact overwhelm you; instead look for the opportunity. Delegate and outsource as needed. And be ready to pivot. Don’t be so locked into your strategy that you miss a chance to incorporate a new tactic. Companies must change to stay relevant. As technology grows, so must your strategy and digital vision. And don’t forget to proactively allocate resources—so that you can stay agile. There may be a cost associated with new technology, so build that into your budget and expect to spend some money in the digital area. You don’t want your growth to be limited by a lack of funds if you can plan ahead.   

  3.  Risk and innovate. You may try a new technology and it might not work—and that’s okay. Failure is key to growth. When something is unsuccessful, that means you get to learn the why behind the failure. And when you have a curious mindset, you’ll be able to retool the system or strategy so that it just might work with your next attempt. View risk as part of your leadership. And welcome innovation. Think about who on your team you could invite to test out new technology. Find out who has bandwidth and interest. Don’t give too many parameters. Instead, let them get creative and see what might be possible. This type of innovative freedom will not only foster new ways of thinking and working, but it will also encourage and develop your teammates.


Make the incorporation of new technology a key part of your digital leadership vision and watch both your leadership and organization thrive. There may be growing pains, so expect them. But stay optimistic, curious, and expectant for both good and growth. A digital leadership vision is key in this age we find ourselves in, so if we can help you develop your own vision, we’d love to walk alongside you. Our team of coaches have helped thousands of leaders across many different industries develop inspiring and compelling visions that in turn create healthy team environments and deliver dynamic results. Reach out to us—we’d love to work with you too.